Classes and Fees

Private Lessons:
15 minute lesson $45.00
30 minute lesson $60.00
45 minute lesson $75.00
1 hour lesson $90.00
Group Class:
Monthly Group Class $15.00
One time yearly studio registration $200.00 per pupil
- Assignment Books $10.00
- Violin Rental $175.00
Studio locations are 225 Greenwood Avenue at the corner of East 3rd Street.
541 9th Street, between 8th Avenue and Prospect Park West
Confirm your location with your teacher!
Policy and Procedure for the Kelly Howard Studio
This policy is provided for you in order to have a clear understanding of what is expected from you and your child as well as what is expected from your teacher. Please read these guidelines carefully so you get the most from your lesson time.
Daily Practice and Listening
Cancellations and Make-up Lessons
Payment is due for all lessons, including those missed or canceled.
Please read and consider this thoughtful article from the Suzuki Association of the Americas
15 minute lesson $45.00
30 minute lesson $60.00
45 minute lesson $75.00
1 hour lesson $90.00
Group Class:
Monthly Group Class $15.00
One time yearly studio registration $200.00 per pupil
- Assignment Books $10.00
- Violin Rental $175.00
Studio locations are 225 Greenwood Avenue at the corner of East 3rd Street.
541 9th Street, between 8th Avenue and Prospect Park West
Confirm your location with your teacher!
Policy and Procedure for the Kelly Howard Studio
This policy is provided for you in order to have a clear understanding of what is expected from you and your child as well as what is expected from your teacher. Please read these guidelines carefully so you get the most from your lesson time.
- Please arrive on time with all needed materials for the lesson. Lesson time will not be extended if you are not on time, as lessons are scheduled back to back.
- Parents or practice partners are expected at all lessons. Your participation is an integral part of the Suzuki Pedagogy! You are an important part of the Suzuki Triangle!
- When you arrive for your lesson, please come in and quietly wait for your lesson. You are welcome to come early and observe the lesson in progress, just try not to be a distraction.
- Please turn cell phones off or on airplane mode during the lesson.
- Please make sure you have your assignment book to take during notes during the lessons. This ensures practice goals will be met at home.
- If you have questions or concerns, please contact me, or your teacher prior to the lesson. If necessary, bring any issues up at the beginning of the lesson, i.e. scheduling problems, bill payment etc.
Daily Practice and Listening
- Families are expected to practice on a daily basis.
- Utilize the notes you take at the lesson to make the most of your work at home.
- Listen every day! This is fundamental to progress!
- Lessons are paid in advance. Payment is due within a week of receiving your invoice.
- You may pay per month, bi-annually or in trimesters. The sum of these payments is calculated based on the number of lessons and group classes scheduled for the year. If you choose to pay bi-annually the sum is split in two; in trimesters by three; monthly by ten. This means each month’s payment will be the same regardless of holidays in any given month. Please indicate your payment preference before classes begin.
- A late fee of $20 will be assessed for late payments outside of a 10-day grace period.
Cancellations and Make-up Lessons
Payment is due for all lessons, including those missed or canceled.
- Each teacher will arrange only two make up days per year. If you canceled a lesson with 24 hours notice you will be offered a make up lesson. Top priority is given to lessons cancelled with ample notification.
- If you are not able to make your lesson, please give as much advanced notice as possible. Ideally you will be able to swap lesson times with another student. Please notify your teacher by email and/or phone.
- Lessons cancelled without 24 hours notice will not be made up.
- Care is taken to schedule your lesson at a specific time that works for you and your student. You have made a commitment to this schedule, as have the teachers. For this reason, teachers are paid when you cancel your lesson.
- If the teacher misses a lesson, a make-up lesson will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Please read and consider this thoughtful article from the Suzuki Association of the Americas